As more and more people spend their evenings checking out the latest shows from Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, HBO Max, or one of the ever-increasing streaming services out there, over-the-top (OTT) video streaming is taking over a larger share of [...]
The Shift from Traditional Cable TV to OTT and IPTV
By Rick Yuzzi | June 22nd, 2021 |Categories: OTT, Streaming, IPTV, OTT video streaming

Impact of Streaming Video on Rural Broadband Providers
By Marsha Hemmerich | May 21st, 2021 |Categories: Industry Perspectives, OTT, Rural Broadband, IP traffic, network traffic, Rural Broadband Network Advancement Act
COVID-19 has dramatically stressed the importance of broadband connections in America’s homes. Once the pandemic struck, the requirement for home broadband exploded and turned into a requirement for work, school, entertainment, and other aspects of [...]
Fiber Optics - Troubleshooting Those Dirty Little Fibers
By Marsha Hemmerich | May 13th, 2021 |Categories: fiber, fiber optics, fiber troubleshooting
With its greater bandwidth capacity and ability to transmit signals over long distances with very little power loss, fiber has become the hands-down favorite for the future of
Broadband. Fiber’s resistance to magnetic interference makes [...]
The Pending Expiration of Manufacturer CA Certificates
By Rick Yuzzi | April 21st, 2021 |Categories: CA Certificate Expiration, DOCSIS CA Certificate Expiration
Where were you when Y2K happened? If you are a cable operator, you may be impacted by your own version of this type of event. As of May 1st, some of the Manufacturer CA certificates in cable modems were set to start expiring, and if a modem's [...]
What is NetFlow and What Can It Do for You?
By Sheenika Wilson | March 30th, 2021 |Categories: NetFlow, Network Traffic Management,, IP traffic, network traffic
When network problems surface, are you able to quickly identify and address the issues to keep your network performing optimally? Understanding network traffic and how it flows is essential when trying to resolve issues, or even when analyzing the [...]
By Sheenika Wilson | December 15th, 2020 |Categories: Voice Service, FCC, STIR/SHAKEN, Robocalls, Hosted VoIP
Have you ever gotten a phone call from what looks like a familiar number only to answer and find out that it's a call about your car warranty or some other potential scam? If you have, then you've probably been a victim of Caller ID spoofing where [...]
Voice Service Requirements for RDOF Recipients
By Sheenika Wilson | October 28th, 2020 |Categories: RDOF Auction, RDOF Voice Requirements, Voice Service, Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, FCC
In its efforts to continue bridging the digital divide, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has created several initiatives injecting millions (now billions) into bringing broadband access to unserved areas in America. Taking cues from the [...]
C-Band Spectrum and and 5G Service
By Rick Yuzzi | April 21st, 2020 |Categories: 5G, Mobile, mmWave, Millimeter Wave, C-Band, mid-band spectrum
There is a lot of promise in 5G as a much faster, lower-latency mobile broadband technology. Much of the excitement has been based around millimeter wave (mmWave). While this will allow for a very fast wireless connection, a drawback to this [...]

CBRS - Opportunity Abounds with Shared Spectrum
By Marsha Hemmerich | April 14th, 2020 |Categories: 5G, CBRS, LTE, Citizens Broadband Radio, mid-band spectrum, dynamic spectrum sharing, Private Access License (PAL)
CBRS marks a turning point in shared spectrum, allowing general access users to deploy private LTE based solutions of their own, and opening up valuable mid-band spectrum for 5G use.
Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) is a 150 MHz wide [...]

What is DOCSIS 10G
By Rick Yuzzi | February 11th, 2020 |Categories: DOCSIS, Distributed Access Architecture, DOCSIS 4.0, Full Duplex, Extended Spectrum DOCSIS, Low Latency DOCSIS, cableLabs, 10G
At the Consumer Electronics Show in January of last year CableLabs announced their 10G initiative. The goal is to make changes in DOCSIS technology and cable plant architecture to allow for 10 Gbps transfer rates both downstream AND upstream, in [...]