COVID-19 has dramatically stressed the importance of broadband connections in America’s homes. Once the pandemic struck, the requirement for home broadband exploded and turned into a requirement for work, school, entertainment, and other aspects of [...]

Impact of Streaming Video on Rural Broadband Providers
By Marsha Hemmerich | May 21st, 2021 |Categories: Industry Perspectives, OTT, Rural Broadband, IP traffic, network traffic, Rural Broadband Network Advancement Act
Will 5G make wireline broadband obsolete?
By Rick Yuzzi | August 20th, 2019 |Categories: mmWave, Millimeter Wave, Rural Broadband, Small Cells, Wired Broadband
The buzz in the broadband industry these days is 5G. That’s not G as in Gigabytes. That’s G as in Generation. 5G is the latest generation of cellular technology, and some say that it could replace the need for wired broadband connections in the [...]