The Business of Broadband

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Ask a Broadband Expert - Customer Support

By Marsha Hemmerich | December 17th, 2013 |Categories: Ask an Expert, ask a broadband expert, interview, network virtualization

A veteran of technical support and customer service, Jason Young has been with ZCorum since 1999 and serves as Vice President of Support Services. In that role he manages ZCorum’s call centers, including a staff that supports data, voice and video [...]

Ask a Broadband Expert - Rural Broadband Survival

By Marsha Hemmerich | October 3rd, 2013 |Categories: Ask an Expert, ask a broadband expert, interview, network virtualization

Nearly sixty-five percent of very rural residents who live outside of metropolitan areas, only have basic wired internet service and no access to the faster broadband that's needed in today's fast paced internet world. Overall, the country is [...]

Ask a Broadband Expert - Bandwidth Usage Management

By Marsha Hemmerich | July 24th, 2013 |Categories: Ask an Expert, ask a broadband expert, interview

Keeping up with customer bandwidth demands is a big challenge for service providers today. Throwing bandwidth at the problem is not the solution. Instead, bandwidth management policies that moderate peak-time usage and tie revenue to bandwidth used [...]

Ask a Broadband Expert - What are DOCSIS Codeword Errors?

By Marsha Hemmerich | May 7th, 2013 |Categories: Ask an Expert, Codeword Errors

This month’s Ask a Broadband Expert features Brady Volpe, a highly respected speaker and industry thought leader on broadband. Mr. Volpe is a frequent presenter at industry trade shows, conferences and regional seminars. He has published numerous [...]