The Business of Broadband

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Rick Yuzzi

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Rick Yuzzi

About Rick Yuzzi

Rick is ZCorum's Vice President of Marketing. He has over 30 years experience in sales, marketing and management. Hired in 1995 to establish the sales department for a fledgling Internet Service Provider that later became ZCorum, he is now a key member of the executive team, overseeing the company’s marketing efforts.

Application Window Open for Middle Mile Grant Program

By Rick Yuzzi | June 23rd, 2022 |Categories: IIJA, broadband infrastructure funding, middle mile grant program

The NTIA is now accepting applications for the Middle Mile Grant Program. The application window closes September 30, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT). The Middle Mile Grant Program is part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as [...]

Five Things to Consider When Expanding or Setting Up Your State Broadband Office

By Rick Yuzzi | June 6th, 2022 |Categories: IIJA, BEAD, Broadband Funding, state broadband, state broadband program, broadband infrastructure funding

The Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program will soon appropriate an initial allocation of $100 million to every state to help close the digital divide. Following that could be millions more, depending on the number of unserved [...]

What are Unserved and Underserved Locations in the IIJA/BEAD Program?

By Rick Yuzzi | May 9th, 2022 |Categories: IIJA, BEAD, Broadband Funding, Unserved Locations, Underserved Locations

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides $65 billion dollars to improve broadband access and affordability across the U.S. The biggest portion of that bundle of cash is the $42.45 billion that will be distributed through the Broadband [...]

IPv4 Shortage? Here's What You Need to Know

By Rick Yuzzi | January 12th, 2022 |Categories: IPv4, IPv6, IPv6 migration, IPv6 Transition Plan, IPv4 Conservation, Carrier Grade NAT, CGNAT, Purchase IPv4 Addresses

With the lingering IPv4 address shortage, providers are trying to find viable solutions to tackle the problem. If you’re one of these providers, there are several factors that you need to be aware of that can affect your ability to get the IP [...]

The Power of Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM)

By Rick Yuzzi | December 7th, 2021 |Categories: PNM, proactive network maintenance, correlation groups, DOCSIS pre-equalization, PreEqualization Analyzer, Diagnostics, Main Tap Compression, Group Delay, In Channel Frequency Response, ICFR, Micro Reflections, What is DOCSIS PNM

What is PNM?

DOCSIS Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) is a relatively new tool for cable operators that allows them to find and resolve issues in the cable plant before they impact subscribers. For most of the history of cable plant maintenance [...]

The Shift from Traditional Cable TV to OTT and IPTV

By Rick Yuzzi | June 22nd, 2021 |Categories: OTT, Streaming, IPTV, OTT video streaming

As more and more people spend their evenings checking out the latest shows from Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, HBO Max, or one of the ever-increasing streaming services out there, over-the-top (OTT) video streaming is taking over a larger share of [...]

The Pending Expiration of Manufacturer CA Certificates

By Rick Yuzzi | April 21st, 2021 |Categories: CA Certificate Expiration, DOCSIS CA Certificate Expiration

Where were you when Y2K happened? If you are a cable operator, you may be impacted by your own version of this type of event. As of May 1st, some of the Manufacturer CA certificates in cable modems were set to start expiring, and if a modem's [...]

C-Band Spectrum and and 5G Service

By Rick Yuzzi | April 21st, 2020 |Categories: 5G, Mobile, mmWave, Millimeter Wave, C-Band, mid-band spectrum

There is a lot of promise in 5G as a much faster, lower-latency mobile broadband technology. Much of the excitement has been based around millimeter wave (mmWave). While this will allow for a very fast wireless connection, a drawback to this [...]

What is DOCSIS 10G

By Rick Yuzzi | February 11th, 2020 |Categories: DOCSIS, Distributed Access Architecture, DOCSIS 4.0, Full Duplex, Extended Spectrum DOCSIS, Low Latency DOCSIS, cableLabs, 10G

At the Consumer Electronics Show in January of last year CableLabs announced their 10G initiative. The goal is to make changes in DOCSIS technology and cable plant architecture to allow for 10 Gbps transfer rates both downstream AND upstream, in [...]

Will 5G make wireline broadband obsolete?

By Rick Yuzzi | August 20th, 2019 |Categories: mmWave, Millimeter Wave, Rural Broadband, Small Cells, Wired Broadband

The buzz in the broadband industry these days is 5G. That’s not G as in Gigabytes. That’s G as in Generation. 5G is the latest generation of cellular technology, and some say that it could replace the need for wired broadband connections in the [...]