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DMCA Deadline Affects Copyright Infringement Liability for ISPs

By Rick Yuzzi | December 29th, 2017 |Categories: Hot Topics, Industry Perspectives

There is an upcoming deadline regarding the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that many ISPs are just now becoming aware of. I have recently been forwarded notices sent to ISPs from associations letting them know about this new requirement, [...]

The Future of Net Neutrality

By Rick Yuzzi | December 13th, 2017 |Categories: Hot Topics, Industry Perspectives, net neutrality

The FCC tomorrow will vote on whether to repeal Obama-era Net Neutrality regulations that were put in place in 2015. Those regulations reclassified broadband as a communications service and made ISPs subject to something called Title II, which were [...]

Broadband Usage Caps’ Increase - For the Better?

By Sheenika Wilson | November 1st, 2016 |Categories: Blog, Hot Topics

When Internet Service Providers (ISPs) began doling out broadband usage caps, there were groans heard around the world from consumers that were not happy that they could no longer enjoy the freedom of having “limitless” use of their Internet [...]

Revenue Opportunities with Commercial Voice

By Sheenika Wilson | November 13th, 2015 |Categories: Blog, Hot Topics, Technology, commercial VoIP, commercial VoIP revenue, VoIP, VoIP revenue, cloud-based VoIP

With a slight decline in revenue streams for cable operators, being able to focus on lucrative opportunities with commercial customers is likely at the top of the operators' to-do lists. For those who offer voice services and even those who don't, [...]

What's Coming with DOCSIS 3.1 and What You Need to Know Today

By Marsha Hemmerich | May 12th, 2015 |Categories: Blog, Hot Topics, Technology, DOCSIS 3.1

So now 3.1...

Seven years down the road from DOCSIS 3.0 the increasing subscriber demand for bandwidth intensive content and the competition from FTTH providers like Google are raising the bar for cable technology developers to provide operators [...]

Guest Feature: The Future of the Internet Lies with Local Choice

By Deb Socia | March 5th, 2015 |Categories: Blog, Hot Topics, Industry Perspectives, Technology

Across the country, a trend has emerged in the 21st century - those communities able to deliver fast, affordable, and reliable Internet to their constituents are in the best position to grow and thrive. The critical importance of infrastructure to [...]

Leveraging Your CMTS for Upstream Spectrum Analysis

By Marsha Hemmerich | February 10th, 2015 |Categories: Hot Topics, Technology

The major problems that operators are having with the upstream path have to do primarily with ingress and noise. Aggravating the troubleshooting process is that often the interfering ingress problems are intermittent. Just as a tech gets close to [...]

Finding Hidden Impairments with Proactive Network Maintenance Tools

By Marsha Hemmerich | October 22nd, 2014 |Categories: Hot Topics, Technology

Locating impairments getting spooky? Who you gonna call? 

Plant impairments come in all shapes and sizes. Gremlins chew on your cables, monsters loosen your fittings and ghosts haunt your field techs. Take Marty Carollo, Network Manager of [...]