Following are the results from a survey I conducted of broadband service providers related to the new FCC mandate for biannual reporting of broadband availability data in the Broadband Data Collection System.

By Rick Yuzzi | September 20th, 2022 |Categories: FCC, Broadband Funding, broadband data collection, FCC Broadband Map, Broadband Serviceable Locations, Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric
Following are the results from a survey I conducted of broadband service providers related to the new FCC mandate for biannual reporting of broadband availability data in the Broadband Data Collection System.
Arthur Skinner
Vice President
Tel: 800.909.9441 x5553
Cell: 678.640.0353
Skype: arthur.skinner27
4501 North Point Parkway | Suite 125 | Alpharetta | GA | 30022
Alex Rivera
Director of Sales
Tel: 800.909.9441 x5562
Skype: ZCorum
4501 North Point Parkway | Suite 125 | Alpharetta | GA | 30022
Arthur Skinner
Vice President
Tel: 800.909.9441 x5553
Cell: 678.640.0353
Skype: arthur.skinner27
4501 North Point Parkway | Suite 125 | Alpharetta | GA | 30022